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Only America's Best Attorneys
With over a million attorneys across the United States of America, it can be hard to tell which lawyers are better than others. When legal services are needed, the is often little time to make a decision about who to hire to help. Everyone wants the best attorney, but what is the "best".
Top American Lawyers is committed to only having the best attorneys in the United States as members. In fact, the membership requirements are so stringent, that less than 1% of attorneys are ever allowed membership.
Members are selected based on numerous traits that our organization has found exemplifies the Top American Lawyers. Grit, determination, perseverance, client-commitment, professionalism and ethics are just a few of the qualities we require to become a member of our esteemed organization.
This honor is not bestowed lightly. Each candidate is vigorously screened to ensure they demonstrate the skills, aptitude, competence, and vigor necessary to bear the title as Top American Lawyers.